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NetBuzz GEO Plus Platform

Elios dubbed it GEO Plus, I like it so I am going to use name here.

Me – I created some sample content with Chat GPT
(My Instructions to ChatGPT)I want you to write a website page 750 words long about the keyword “inbound Call Center”. Other keywords to use are “Call Center Services”, “outsourcing services”. Use the company name “SBSG” and GEO Target to Toronto, ON. Do you understand
ChatGPT Response

Certainly, I understand your request. Below is a 750-word website page focused on the keyword “Inbound Call Center,” with mentions of “Call Center Services” and “Outsourcing Services,” while also incorporating the company name “SBSG” and targeting the Toronto, ON region for added relevance.

I took the ChatGPT created content and replaced Toronto, ON with the merge codes to prepare it to be added to the page template in the GEO Plus plugin. So the explanation below is using 1 keyword focus(Primary Keyword) GEO Targeted to 130 locations. Our smallest package I think should be 6 Primary Keywords, and if that was the case in this example we would have created 780 completely unique pages.


Set up basic page settings

  • Meta Title
  • Meta Description
  • URL Code
  • etc. and more options

Create page template

  • Text
  • Images
  • Google map
  • FAQ created by ChatGPT
  • etc. and more options

Create pages using the locations list (GEO Target) and the content template


Page creation results

Through our Google Search Console (because we will always host site) submit the sitemaps

Technical Requirements and Tasks - Elios

All GEO Plus Optimizations need to be on WordPress built websites and hosted by us. SBSG has a number of high quality servers, but as we grow there will be a need to upgrade the size and speed.  Not hugely expensive… approximately $200/month per upgrade, and we can handle 30–50 websites per server depending on the amount of pages and traffic per site.

Elios wants $300USD per setup of each optimization, and he will be on call for anything technical. Services include:

  • Setup and ongoing maintenance
  • Email transfers from old server to ours (clients get unlimited free emails)
  • Updates and security
  • If client’s website is currently built on WordPress, then he will clone it and then install on our servers
  • Technical SEO – Speed, PHP etc.
  • 24/7 access

Website building and Support - Fred and his team

I can see there will be times when the client has a Wix, GoDaddy, Squarespace, etc. website and we will need to convert it to a WordPress website to be compatible with the GEO Plus plugin.  I think Fred is perfect for that and to do the ongoing support. Fred’s team tasks:

  • Website Builds (usually $600)
  • Citation Support (GBP-Google Business Profile, YP, Yelp, etc.)
  • Website edits
  • General support

STEP 1 Details - Create Content

My suggestion for writing the content is to use “preferred freelancers”.  I reached out to Pros or Level 2 Content Writers with a few hundred 5 star reviews or more on Fiver and located only in the US and Canada. I  asked them to price some packages

1) 6 pages – 5 landing pages plus homepage
2) 11 pages – 10 landing pages plus homepage
3) 16 pages – 15 landing pages plus homepage
4) 21 pages – 20 landing pages plus homepage
5) 31 pages – 30 landing pages plus homepage

This is what I asked them

“My name is Cory and I work for a digital marketing company that focuses on SEO content writing that gets business high raking on SERP. We are looking to have our own/freelance writers. First question is, would you be interested in that type of relationship? And second, pricing. Could you please give me prices based on a few of the packages we offer now:

All pages are 400–500 words with a primary keyword focus (e.g. bathroom renovation companies”) and 6-9 related keywords written within the content. All content is also GEO Targeted to a specific location (e.g. Buffalo, NY). We also write optimized content for our client’s homepage.”

Here are some of the responses

  • Your six-page package would fall under my premium gig, which is $300 for up to 2,000 words. I can reduce that to $250. Your 11-page package would cost $450, your 16-page package would cost $650, your 21-page package would cost $800, and your 31-page package would cost $1100.
  • Hi there! Thanks so much for reaching out. I would love to help you with your project. My prices are $50 for 500 words of content. For packages of three or more articles, I offer a bulk discount of 5%. So the prices would be 1) $285 2) $523 3)$760 4)$1,028 5) $1,473. Let me know if you have any other questions! Thanks!
  • I would definitely be interested in working with you on this type of content. Without looking at examples, just considering the word count, I’d typically charge between $40-$45 for 400-500 words. Based on your packaging, I’d likely offer a deal for the bulk work. Just estimating I think pricing on your specific packages would look something like this:
    1. 6 pages – $210
    2. 11 pages – $385
    3. 16 pages – $480
    4. 21 pages – $525
    5. 31 pages – $620
  • Hi Cory,

    Thank you for reaching out to me. I will be happy to join your team as a freelance/full-time writer.

    Here are my prices for the packages your offer:

    1) 6 pages – 5 landing pages plus homepage – $450
    2) 11 pages – 10 landing pages plus homepage – $825
    3) 16 pages – 15 landing pages plus homepage – $1,200
    4) 21 pages – 20 landing pages plus homepage – $1,575
    5) 31 pages – 30 landing pages plus homepage – $2,325

  • Hello Cory,
    I would be happy to help with your marketing venture.

    My pricing is based on word count, so each page that’s 400-500 words will cost $15.

    Here’s the pricing based on each package:
    1) 6 pages – $90
    2) 11 pages – $165
    3) 16 pages – $240
    4) 21 pages – $315
    5) 31 pages – $465

The process would go like this (very similar to now).

Here is the personnel that would be involved:

  • OC – Optimization Coordinator (Dallas, my bookkeeper and personal assistant would be a perfect fit, and she is looking for more hours ($25/hr)). She only charges me for the time spent, and she is completely trustworthy and capable.
  • PCR – Preferred Content writer on Fiverr

Process/Steps (e.g. 6 primary focus pages)

  1. After sale is completed, the OC sends the completed questionnaire to PCR for the 6 best keywords and the pages titles.
  2. OC get keywords and titles approved from client
  3. OC send approved titles to same PCR for content writing
  4. OC sends the 6 Primary Content pages to the client for approval. The client will understand that these pages will be used to GEO Target to all the locations agreed to in the Sale (e.g. 100 locations)

I asked the Fiverr freelancers how long it will take for them to write the content and their responses varied but were similar:

6 pages (5 landing pages plus homepage):
Keyword Research and Selection: 1-2 days
Title Preparation and Submission for Approval: 1 day
Writing (assuming no revisions on titles): 3-4 days
Total estimated turnaround: 5-7 days

11 pages (10 landing pages plus homepage):
Keyword Research and Selection: 2-3 days
Title Preparation and Submission for Approval: 2 days
Writing (assuming no revisions on titles): 6-7 days
Total estimated turnaround: 10-12 days

16 pages (15 landing pages plus homepage):
Keyword Research and Selection: 3-4 days
Title Preparation and Submission for Approval: 3 days
Writing (assuming no revisions on titles): 8-10 days
Total estimated turnaround: 14-17 days

21 pages (20 landing pages plus homepage):
Keyword Research and Selection: 4-5 days
Title Preparation and Submission for Approval: 4 days
Writing (assuming no revisions on titles): 10-13 days
Total estimated turnaround: 18-22 days

31 pages (30 landing pages plus homepage):
Keyword Research and Selection: 6-7 days
Title Preparation and Submission for Approval: 6 days
Writing (assuming no revisions on titles): 15-20 days
Total estimated turnaround: 27-33 days

STEP 2 Details - Create Locations

This step is something I believe I should do for now

STEP 3 & 4 Details - Create Content Variations and Page Templates

For this step, I have a lady from Fiverr whom I have worked with a lot (she did NetBuzz social posts), her name is Ghazala.  I trust her and she does good work. I know she can take the content, use ChatGPT to create variations, and then build the page templates.

Before the content variations are added to the page templates I suggest we have Dallas review the content for “local English” and “human voice” to ensure quality content. In most cases, I think she could proof read 10 pages and the variations within 2-3 hours.

STEP 5 & 6 Details - Create Pages and Submit Sitemap to Google

These steps are something I believe I should do for now. 

Sitemap Maintenance can be done by either Fred, Ghazala, Dallas, or myself

Retention and Maintenance

Far and above any other, the reason that the client will want to pay monthly is because the GEO Targeting is a subscription. The client pays upfront for content writing of the 6 Primary focused pages(just an example) but the GEO Targeting to the hundreds, if not thousands of locations is by subscription. For example, they pay $550/month to GEO Target 6 pages to 300 locations… that’s 1,800 pages on their website they will lose if they don’t pay the monthly fee.

Some of the other benefits I see are;

  • Simple. high-value upgrades. The client starts with 6 Primary Focuses and wants to upgrade to 10. Adding 4 pages is inexpensive to fulfill but 4 new pages x 300 locations is 1,200 new pages on their website is super high value. So a relatively small upfront fee to the client but we can up the monthly to like $750 per month
  • No need for a Placement Guarantee. We remove 90-day placement guarantee and we guarantee total pages.  Traffic increase is absolutely inevitable and being that the website is hosted by us, there is no problems getting the data.
  • Next to Zero Charge-back risk.  By contract, we would be delivering exactly what we promised to the client every month. Very simple.


This can be done by either Fred, Ghazala, Dallas or myself and would consist of

  • Confirm page indexing
  • Traffic Report (not to client) – Finger on the pulse, so if there is a drop in traffic we can identify the problem and fix it.

Using a combination of our CRM, CClick Up, and a support ticketing system I feel that we will know precisely where each optimization and client is at.


I think that we have the opportunity to keep initial costs low and have the client want to pay the monthly fee.  Here are some thoughts/suggestions:

Upfront Charges (add $650 for a website conversion to WordPress) 

  • 6 Primary Focuses: $1,700 – $2,500
  • 11 Primary Focuses: $2,700 – $3,500
  • 21 Primary Focuses: $3,700 – $4,500

For the most part, I think that’s where prospects will start

Monthly GEO Targeting and Maintenance

  • RED line:  $400/month
  • Typical: $550-$700/month
  • Multi-State/Nationwide: $750 – $1,200
  • International: $1,200 – $2500
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